

Adobe Color

Create color palettes with the color wheel or image, browse thousands of color combinations from the Adobe Color community.

Color theme from image

Color palette generator from image. These color themes can be consumed in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and other adobe applications.


此顏色主題是由Medium Persian Blue, Blue Atoll, Carolina Green, Freesia 和Hot Embers 組成。它是使用custom 調和所建立。

Color theme

Silver Screen, City Brume, Dandelion Floatie, Stormy, Light Pale Lilac are represented by this color theme.

Color Theme 2023

This color theme consists of Royal Curtsy, Calypso Coral, Honey Pot, Beniukon Bronze and Swagger. It was created with custom harmony.

Color palette, the color scheme for artists

Explore color trends and get inspired from other designers and artists' color palette in Adobe Color community.

終止支援Adobe Color「主題」面板

2021年7月21日 — 前往Adobe Color 網頁版,使用色彩調和規則加以建立。您可以找到其他顏色建立工具,從影像中擷取和諧的主題和漸層,或者也能查看無障礙視覺色彩主題。